- nobody said the public rumors were there since December 2019; rumors within the medical society are dated Nov. 2019; they locked the city down January 23rd

- nobody said a couple mln people left Wuhan before the lock down

- the country is being locked down; there are confirmed cases; still we had to get our son out of the country. How did this COVID spread I wonder?

- how could foreign (American?) newspapers help in this case? They are blocked in China, hello!

- Chinese hospital videos: nobody mentions COVID except for the granddad; all photos show old people admitted for VARIOUS REASONS; people put IDs and lung XRays for money - it’s a typical Chinese scam scheme

- dude with his son: “It’s been 3 months” so… either the whole thing started in November 2019, or his son’s condition had nothing to do with COVID

- so you spend only 9 years in the US, and you’re surprised that in China they only let out SOME info? That really is a shock, isn’t it?

- December patients coming to the hospital for cough meds, that’s like, normal there, isn’t it? It’s China - everyone gets a cold in winter (AC, open windows at school, wearing too much, wearing too little, etc.)

- how conveniently was the footage taken - like the families of dying people let the reporters hang around just fine

- so essentially Chinese government and American government reacted the same, but Chinese one did its best to keep people positive

- freedom in America is not the real freedom; and those fat white men insult Chinese ladies all the time with their masks under their balls

- protesters’ arguments: scientific data; pro-vaccination “professional crowd’s” argument: “it is stupid”

- “All men are created equal” is an “empty promise”