It's actually funny how many logical fallacies are included in the entire covid narrative. Almost all of them:
• Ad Hominum: this doctor who has taken every previous vaccine but doesnt want this one is clearly an anti-vaxxer and should be silenced.
• Strawman: it doesnt matter if the jab doesnt stop transmission or infection, and it doesnt matter if I'm still just as likely to pass it on (maybe even moreso because of reduced symptoms). You're still selfish for not taking it.
• Appeal to Ignorance: my symptoms are mild so it must be thanks to the vaccine.
• False Dichotomy: either take the vaccine or you're and anti-science MAGA supporter.
• Slippery Slope: if everyone gets their booster we will be rid of covid and lockdowns.
• Circular argument: all scientists agree -> scientist comes along who doesn't agree -> censors scientist -> all scientist agree.
• Hasty Generalization: everyone with reservations that Pfizer isn't looking out for your health is a grandma killer.
• Red Herring: climate change is causing heart inflammation and myocarditis.
• Appeal to Hypocrisy: the BLM protests were fine but all anti-lockdown protesters are super spreader events.
• Causal Fallacy: it is the unvaccinated keeping lockdowns in place, not the governments.
• Sunk Cost: doesn't really need explaining. Taking more jabs just because they've already taken the first, even if they dont work.
• Appeal to Authority: only doctors and scientists are allowed an opinion on vax mandates, oh and politicians.
• Equivocation: Anti-mandate = Anti-vaxxer.
• Appeal to Pity: you're killing people if you dont take this ineffective drug.
• Bandwagon Fallacy: self-explanatory.
Oh look, every single logical fallacy I can think of has been met.